Do you ever find yourself asking the question, “Am I actually making a difference?”  Here’s proof that you are!

This past month, a Vietnamese refugee family arrived in Toledo.  Mother, father, and three adult children came to the United States after 24 years of wandering around Southeast Asia without a place to call home.  They fled from persecution and lived in a few countries that never allowed them to stay. Recently they were granted refugee status by the US department of State and assigned to resettle in Toledo.  July 22, 2014 is a day they will never forget.

We sat down with them, heard their story, and registered them for English school. They were smiling the whole time.  For the younger children, they have never known what it’s like to be accepted somewhere.  And to tell this family that there are others who care for them and are sponsoring their schooling is a wonderful joy of ours.  They are eager to learn and get jobs and become part of the mosaic that we call America.  Lives are changing and people are finding peace! Let us know if you would like to make a difference in a family like this.