Why we are doing a better job with immigration:

Unlike the Belgian community from which the mastermind of last week’s attacks on Paris emerged, the Toledo community is proactively working on one of the most important elements of detecting and preventing terrorism: integration.  If immigrants are truly welcomed and integrated into society, they are far less likely to be marginalized and radicalized.  Strong, friendly and safe communities are possible. So what makes Toledo integration-friendly?

  • Toledo does not have “immigrant ghettos.” Our immigrants are dispersed throughout the community which encourages relationships that build trust across ethnic boundaries.
  • Toledo’s refugees are working hard to integrate: They are attending English classes and some already have jobs. Others are working hard to find work to support their families.
  • The Lucas County Commissioners office has established a Welcome Toledo Lucas County initiative to coordinate services and help Toledo be a more welcoming community.
  • Many individuals, churches, and non-profits are working together to create a service provider and friendship network to help our immigrants and refugees integrate.
  • Migrants in Europe are NOT the same as Refugees in the US. Those with actual refugee status have been vetted with security checks by UNHCR and our own Department of State.