God, we pray for the people of Paris. Give comfort to the injured, the terrified, and the families who are going through deep and senseless loss. Restore safety.
God, these acts are evil. Guard our hearts from hate and a desire for revenge. Give us the mind of Christ, who, even on the cross, cried out, “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.” His desire is that “none should perish, but that all would come to repentance.” God, may we see each human, whether victim or evildoer, as people you wish to redeem.
God, protect our hearts from transferring blame to all Muslims, especially to refugees among us who are fleeing the very terror that Parisians suffered on Friday. They too have suffered greatly at the hands of this same group. You are good, and you want us to be agents of your goodness to all people.
Guard us from fear – it does not come from you. Give us courage to reach out to those who are different and share your love with them.
