
Fill out our Volunteer Application

Conversation Partners 

Our Conversation Partners program matches native English speakers with international students who want to improve their English and gain a friend from America. Apply here to become a friend to an international.

American School Evening (ASE) 

Classes are held every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6:30PM to 9:00PM.  It’s a great place to meet internationals who are working hard to learn English.  Come help our teachers and encourage our students in their studies.

The American School for Women (ASW)

Women only. If you want to connect with women from another country, here is the perfect chance and you can do it all without leaving Lucas County! If you ask those who have been volunteering here why they keep coming back they will tell you it is as rewarding for the teachers, as it is for the students.

The American School for Children (ASC)

Our Preschool is like no other in Toledo. Immigrant and native born children, from infants to preschoolers, playing together and developing into creative and compassionate children. Come assist our teachers by holding babies, playing with toddlers, and singing with preschoolers.

The American School Kids (ASK)

Community volunteers will help elementary-aged refugee children with homework tutoring and English skill-building activities in the evenings.