Conversation Topics

Tell me About… Tell me about something you love? Tell me about something you hate? Tell me about something you really care about? Tell me about someone you dislike? Tell me about a dream you’ve had? Tell me about a goal you have? Tell me about yourself?...

A prayer in response to Paris

God, we pray for the people of Paris. Give comfort to the injured, the terrified, and the families who are going through deep and senseless loss. Restore safety. God, these acts are evil. Guard our hearts from hate and a desire for revenge. Give us the mind of Christ,...

Why Toledo is not Europe

Why we are doing a better job with immigration: Unlike the Belgian community from which the mastermind of last week’s attacks on Paris emerged, the Toledo community is proactively working on one of the most important elements of detecting and preventing terrorism:...

How Strangers Become Family

in-ti-grey-shuh n  (Integration) – Noun:  behavior, as of an individual, that is in harmony with the environment Images of refugees and migrants are filling the news. Solutions to this humanitarian crisis are complicated and divisive. The reality is that...