Largest Church Offering

Our dream of a permanent home for all the programs of Water for Ishmael continues to take shape.  We were absolutely floored that Findlay E-Free Church cared so much to adopt our building need as their special Christmas project. They raised $43,768! Did you know that...

More Motivated Students

The halls were filled with warm greetings and lots of hugs as women and children gathered to register for “Spring” classes.  As of this writing, 44 ladies are enrolled for the current semester with 31 of their preschool children for our morning program. Our evening...

We hired a refugee!

“Haidar” was embedded with American troops as a translator when threats forced him and his family to flee. Little by little, Lucas County is becoming “home” for them. Everyone is learning English and “Haidar” is now enrolled at Owens College. We are excited to...

Kroger Rewards

You can donate 5% of all that you spend at Kroger just by signing up Water for Ishmael as your Kroger Rewards recipient. It’s free to you and it benefits our refugee and immigrant students! So here’s how you do it: If you don’t have a card, go to...