An 8 Year Journey

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Uncategorized

At first, their lives are in upheaval. They face challenges we may not understand. There are language and cultural barriers. Yet, Jesus calls us to welcome and love them whether our paths intersect for a few days or for years.

Wally was a mechanic for the troops in Iraq. Fleeing death threats, Wally’s family were the first refugees resettled in Toledo in 2013. God has kept Wally here. Because you gave and prayed, Wally has had friends to walk with him through very difficult years.

Not long after coming to America, Wally’s wife left him and his two sons. Now a single father, he has had to deal with difficult life and legal issues because of his wife’s choices. His Water for Ishmael friend has been there – listening, advising, and supporting.

When COVID forced his boys into doing school at home, Wally had a friend to help them with math and social studies.

Wally’s friend described his 8 year relationship with Wally –

“Wally is more than a friend to me. We’ve experienced many bleak days but also days of celebration.

I helped Wally learn how to drive before he learned enough English to know what I was instructing him to do.

He’s called me on his most despairing days to talk of his family’s deeply painful homesickness. If he were still in his home country, these moments would be shared by family members, but here, he doesn’t have family. It is a privilege for me to have his trust.”


Wally just became a citizen! Wally’s friend was standing alongside Wally for his swearing in ceremony!

Real life-changing relationships take time. You have given Wally the gift of time with someone who loves Jesus and loves him. Thank you!



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