Real Life with Real People

by | Jul 19, 2019 | Stories

Lack of language affects more than what meets the eye. Not being able to say; “hello, how are you?” is one thing. Not being able to help your family meet their basic needs is a whole other issue.

This summer, our American School Evening program is striving to help clients not only grow in their language ability but also gain the skills to confidently meet life’s challenges and enjoy all their new culture has to offer.

“Great job! Beautiful fish!” was the jubilant cry of a Sudanese man across the pond to his wife. Her face beaming with pride as she holds up the fish she just caught. Seconds later we hear “Baba (Dad) look!” The man’s son had made his first catch of the night. Students and families from 8 different countries speaking 5 different languages came together to learn, laugh, and form lasting memories.

ABC’s are important. For our clients, connecting ABC to the real world is life changing.

Men and women are moving beyond ABC’s.They are:

  • Making new friends from different countries.
  • They are asking for help at a local home improvement store.
  • They are learning to fish and experiencing America’s favorite pastime at a Mud Hens game.
  • They are seeing their home country’s culture and beauty on display at the Toledo Museum of Art.
  • They are gaining confidence in asking for and offering help with their cars.


The God Who Sees

You are part of Water for Ishmael because you believe that God is the GOD WHO SEES. Whether it is hundreds of thousands of people fleeing from war or a lonely immigrant bride, our God loves and sees each person. Thank you for obeying the God who sees immigrants and...

No Virus Can Stop That!

Rita left the turmoil in Sudan two years ago. She is fierce about doing what she needs to do to make a better life for her children and eventually, become a contributing citizen.  But Corona Virus hit... "Mom, what does this mean?"  "Habibi, I don't know."  For...

You Learned THAT in school??

Yusef asked as he watched his wife, Kazima.  She’d leaned in toward their preteen son, looked him right in the eye, and told him, “It’s okay to feel angry, but it’s not okay to yell and throw things.” She took a breath. “But if you want, you can ask to walk away for a...

Celebrating Amir’s Successes

This is Amir.  His family of 7 moved here from Sudan a year ago this summer. Each member of his family is enrolled in one of our programs and they have been with us through their first summer, fall, winter, and now spring. Amir is an accountant but wasn’t able to find...

University students house refugee in Toledo

Syrian Refugee FeatureFor our students, kindness crosses cultural borders. Watch how these two senior engineering students are helping a Syrian refugee. Posted by The University of Toledo on Thursday, December 10, 2015

Do you ever wonder what our students of other religions say about us?

Very sweet envelope I received in the mail last night. Almost 5 years ago when I was newcomer to the US,hadn't started school yet nor working I registered for summer classes in American School for Women and Children(ASFWC). Only three weeks were enough to be in love...